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Publications with the affiliation to the Ciamician Center

  • Armillotta, F., Sala, A., & Vesselli, E. (2024). Ligation of Carbon Monoxide at Cobalt Single-Metal-Atom Sites in a Surface-Confined Metal–Organic Network: Oxidation State, Anharmonicity, and Long-Range Lateral Interactions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128(37), 15613–15623.
  • Talukdar, S., Bevilacqua, M., Bu, E., Gabellini, L., Querci, L., Delgado, J. J., Mannini, M., Fornasiero, P., & Montini, T. (2024). Enhancing formate yield through electrochemical CO2 reduction using BiOCl and g-C3N4 Hybrid catalyst. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 122395.
  • Ozturk, E., Ogliari, E., Sakwa, M., Dolara, A., Blasuttigh, N., & Pavan, A. M. (2024). Photovoltaic modules fault detection, power output, and parameter estimation: A deep learning approach based on electroluminescence images. Energy Conversion and Management, 319, 118866.
  • Abdelrahman, O. A., Altman, E. I., Cargnello, M., Fornasiero, P., Kim, G., Küngas, R., . . . Vohs, J. M. (2024). A Career in Catalysis: Raymond J. Gorte. ACS Catalysis, 12895–12916.
  • Armillotta, F., Bidoggia, D., Baronio, S., Sala, A., Costantini, R., Dell’Angela, M., . . . Vesselli, E. (2024). Co(III), Co(II), Co(I): Tuning Single Cobalt Metal Atom Oxidation States in a 2D Coordination Network. Advanced Functional Materials.
  • Talukdar, S., & Montini, T. (2024). Role of Facets and Morphologies of Different Bismuth-Based Materials for CO2 Reduction to Fuels. Materials, 17(13), 3077.
  • Baronio, S., Baronio, S., Baronio, S., Baronio, S., Baronio, S., Baronio, S., . . . Baronio, S. (2024). Stabilization versus competing de-metalation, trans-metalation and (cyclo)-dehydrogenation of Pd porphyrins at a copper surface. Nanoscale
  • Danielis, R., Scorrano, M., Masutti, M., Awan, A. M., & Niazi, A. M. K. (2024). The Economic Competitiveness of Hydrogen Fuel Cell-Powered Trucks: A Review of Total Cost of Ownership Estimates. Energies, 17(11), 2509
  • Bedon, C., & Massi Pavan, A. (2024). Non-destructive vibration-based monitoring analysis of PV modules with encapsulant degradation by frequency change. Measurement, 236, 115096
  • Delogu, P., Barbera, E., Mio, A., Bertucco, A., & Fermeglia, M. (2024). Dynamics of dibenzyl toluene hydrogenation and dehydrogenation reactors: design and simulation. In Computer-aided chemical engineering/Computer aided chemical engineering (pp. 1423–1428)
  • Biasin, P., Safari, M., Ghidorsi, E., Baronio, S., Scardamaglia, M., Preobrajenski, A. B., Vinogradov, N. A., Sala, A., Cepek, C., De Gironcoli, S., Baroni, S., & Vesselli, E. (2024). Growth and Redox Properties of Boron on Al(111): Competing Affinities in the Case of Honeycomb AlB2. ACS Nano, 18(20), 12749–12759
  • Blasuttigh, N., Beiranvand, H., Pereira, T., Castellan, S., Pavan, A. M., & Liserre, M. (2024). ηmax-Charging Strategy for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Theory, Design, and Validation. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
  • Sportelli, G., Marchi, M., Fornasiero, P., Filippini, G., Franco, F., & Melchionna, M. (2024, April 14). Photoelectrocatalysis for Hydrogen Evolution Ventures into the World of Organic Synthesis. Global Challenges.
  • Cabrera-Tobar, A., Blasuttigh, N., Pavan, A. M., & Spagnuolo, G. (2024, April). Demand response of an Electric Vehicle charging station using a robust-explicit model predictive control considering uncertainties to minimize carbon intensity. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 101381
  • Mancuso, F., Fornasiero, P., Prato, M., Melchionna, M., Franco, F., & Filippini, G. (2024). Nanostructured electrocatalysts for organic synthetic transformations. Nanoscale, 16(12), 5926–5940
  • Ksira, Z., Mellit, A., Blasuttigh, N., & Massi Pavan, A. (2024, March). A Novel Embedded System for Real-Time Fault Diagnosis of Photovoltaic Modules. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 14(2), 354–362.
  • Melchionna, M., & Fornasiero, P. (2024). The role of ceria/precious metal interfaces in catalysis. RSC Applied Interfaces, 1(1), 70–79
  • Serena Baldin, Women’s Participation in Climate and Environmental Decision-Making Processes, on "Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, Rivista trimestrale" 4/2023, pp. 917-942
  • Biasin, P., Safari, M., Ghidorsi, E., Baronio, S., Scardamaglia, M., Preobrajenski, A., . . . Vesselli, E. (2023). From borophene polymorphs towards a single honeycomb borophane phase: reduction of hexagonal boron layers on Al(111). Nanoscale, 15(45), 18407–18414
  • Danielis, R. (2023). Fiscal Policies on New Passenger Cars in Europe: Implications for the Competitiveness of Electric Cars. Sustainability, 15(23), 16407
  • Grando, G., Sportelli, G., Filippini, G., Melchionna, M., & Fornasiero, P. (2023). Graphitic Carbon Nitride Meets Molecular Oxygen: New Sustainable Photocatalytic Ways for the Oxidation of Organic Molecules. Nano Trends
  • Daka, M., Montini, T., Pengo, P., Marussi, G., Crosera, M., Adami, G., . . . Fornasiero, P. (2023). Reduced Tiara‐like Palladium Complex for Suzuki Cross‐Coupling Reactions. Chemistry – a European Journal
  • Zhang, Y., Mascaretti, L., Melchionna, M., Henrotte, O., Kment, T., Fornasiero, P., & Naldoni, A. (2023). Thermoplasmonic In Situ Fabrication of Nanohybrid Electrocatalysts over Gas Diffusion Electrodes for Enhanced H2O2 Electrosynthesis. ACS Catalysis
  • Marchi, M., Raciti, E., Gali, S. M., Piccirilli, F., Vondracek, H., Actis, A., Salvadori, E., Rosso, C., Criado, A., D’Agostino, C., Forster, L., Lee, D., Foucher, A. C., Rai, R. K., Beljonne, D., Stach, E. A., Chiesa, M., Lazzaroni, R., Filippini, G., . . . Fornasiero, P. (2023). Carbon Vacancies Steer the Activity in Dual Ni Carbon Nitride Photocatalysis. Advanced Science
  • Mio, A., Barbera, E., Pavan, A. M., Danielis, R., Bertucco, A., & Fermeglia, M. (2023). Analysis of the energetic, economic, and environmental performance of hydrogen utilization for port logistic activities. Applied Energy, 347, 121431
  • Armillotta, F., Bidoggia, D., Biasin, P., Annese, A., Cossaro, A., Verdini, A., Floreano, L., Peressi, M., & Vesselli, E. (2023). Spectroscopic fingerprints of iron-coordinated cobalt and iron porphyrin layers on graphene. Cell Reports Physical Science, 101378
  • D’Amore, G., Cabrera-Tobar, A., Petrone, G., Pavan, A. M., & Spagnuolo, G. (2023). Integrating model predictive control and deep learning for the management of an EV charging station. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation.
  • Mellit, A., Benghanem, M., Kalogirou, S., & Massi Pavan, A. (2023). An embedded system for remote monitoring and fault diagnosis of photovoltaic arrays using machine learning and the internet of things. Renewable Energy208, 399–408.
  • Blasuttigh, N., Negri, S., Massi Pavan, A., & Tironi, E. (2023). Optimal Sizing and Environ-Economic Analysis of PV-BESS Systems for Jointly Acting Renewable Self-Consumers. Energies16(3), 1244.
  • Blasuttigh, N., Pastore, S., Scorrano, M., Danielis, R., & Massi Pavan, A. (2023). Vehicle-to-ski: A V2G optimization-based cost and environmental analysis for a ski resort. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments55, 102916.
  • Danielis, R., Scorrano, M., Massi Pavan, A., & Blasuttigh, N. (2023). Simulating the Diffusion of Residential Rooftop Photovoltaic, Battery Storage Systems and Electric Cars in Italy. An Exploratory Study Combining a Discrete Choice and Agent-Based Modelling Approach. Energies16(1), 557.
  • Cabrera-Tobar, A., Blasuttigh, N., Massi Pavan, A., Lughi, V., Petrone, G., & Spagnuolo, G. (2022). Energy Scheduling and Performance Evaluation of an e-Vehicle Charging Station. Electronics11(23), 3948.
  • Cabrera-Tobar, A., Massi Pavan, A., Petrone, G., & Spagnuolo, G. (2022). A Review of the Optimization and Control Techniques in the Presence of Uncertainties for the Energy Management of Microgrids. Energies15(23), 9114.
  • Gentile, G., Marchi, M., Melchionna, M., Fornasiero, P., Prato, M., & Filippini, G. (2022). Use of Carbon Nitrides as Photoactive Supports in Single‐Atom Heterogeneous Catalysis for Synthetic Purposes. European Journal of Organic Chemistry2022(37), e202200944.
  • Barbera, E., Mio, A., Pavan, A. M., Bertucco, A., & Fermeglia, M. (2021). Fuelling power plants by natural gas: An analysis of energy efficiency, economical aspects and environmental footprint based on detailed process simulation of the whole carbon capture and storage system. Energy Conversion and Management, 115072.
  • Scorrano, M., Danielis, R. (2021). Simulating electric vehicle uptake in Italy in the small-to-medium car segment: A system dynamics/agent-based model parametrized with discrete choice data. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 100736
  • Mellit A, Herrak O, Rus Casas C, Massi Pavan A. A Machine Learning and Internet of Things-Based Online Fault Diagnosis Method for Photovoltaic Arrays. Sustainability. 2021; 13(23):13203. 
  • Baldin, S., & Viola, P. (2021). L’obbligazione climatica nelle aule giudiziarie. Teorie ed elementi determinanti di giustizia climatica. Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo23(3), 597-630.
  • Chettibi, N., Massi Pavan, A., Mellit, A., Forsyth, A. J., & Todd, R. (2021). Real-time prediction of grid voltage and frequency using artificial neural networks: An experimental validation. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 100502.
  • Singh, B., Gawande, M. B., Kute, A. D., Varma, R. S., Fornasiero, P., McNeice, P., ... & Zbořil, R. (2021). Single-Atom (Iron-Based) Catalysts: Synthesis and Applications. Chemical Reviews.
  • Melchionna, M., Fornasiero, P., Prato, M., & Bonchio, M. (2021). Electrocatalytic CO2 reduction: Role of the cross-talk at nano-carbon interfaces. Energy and Environmental Science, 14(11), 5816-5833.
  • Armillotta, F., Bidoggia, D., Baronio, S., Biasin, P., Annese, A., Scardamaglia, M., ... & Vesselli, E. (2022). Single Metal Atom Catalysts and ORR: H-Bonding, Solvation, and the Elusive Hydroperoxyl Intermediate. ACS Catalysis12, 7950-7959.
  • Negri, S., Giani, F., Massi Pavan, A., Mellit, A., & Tironi, E. (2022). MPC-based control for a stand-alone LVDC microgrid for rural electrification. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 100777.
  • Hejazi, S. H., Shahrezaei, M., Błoński, P., Allieta, M., Sheverdyaeva, P. M., Moras, P., ... & Fornasiero, P. (2022). Defect engineering over anisotropic brookite toward substrate-specific photo-oxidation of alcohols. Chem Catalysis.
  • Manzan, M., Bacaro, G., Nardini, A., Casagrande, G., Pezzi, A., Petruzzellis, F., ... & Fontolan, G. (2022). Climate Change Risk and Vulnerabilities Analysis in Trieste SECAP. Sustainability14(10), 5973.
  • Cabrera-Tobar, A., Massi Pavan, A., Blasuttigh, N., Petrone, G., & Spagnuolo, G. (2022). Real time Energy Management System of a photovoltaic based e-vehicle charging station using Explicit Model Predictive Control accounting for uncertainties. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 100769.
  • Filippi, J.; Miller, H. A.; Nasi, L.; Pagliaro, M. V.; Marchionni, A.; Melchionna, M.; Fornasiero, P.; Vizza, F. Optimization of H2O2 Production in Small-Scale off-Grid Buffer Layer Flow Cell Equipped with Cobalt@N-Doped Graphitic Carbon Core–Shell Nanohybrid Electrocatalyst. Materials Today Energy 2022, 101092
  • Mascaretti, L.; Schirato, A.; Montini, T.; Alabastri, A.; Naldoni, A.; Fornasiero, P. Challenges in Temperature Measurements in Gas-Phase Photothermal Catalysis. Joule 2022
  • Baldin, S. La sostenibilità ecologica e i principi eco-giuridici per la salvaguardia del sistema Terra. Rivista di Diritti Comparati. Numero 2/2022.
  • Baldin S. (2022).  La sostenibilità ecologica e i principi eco-giuridici per la salvaguardia del sistema Terra. Diritti Comparati, 2, 1-32"
  • Negri, S.; Giani, F.; Blasuttigh, N.; Pavan, A. M.; Mellit, A.; Tironi, E. Combined Model Predictive Control and ANN-Based Forecasters for Jointly Acting Renewable Self-Consumers: An Environmental and Economical Evaluation. Renewable Energy 2022
  • Raciti, E.; Gali, S. M.; Melchionna, M.; Filippini, G.; Actis, A.; Chiesa, M.; Bevilacqua, M.; Fornasiero, P.; Prato, M.; Beljonne, D.; Lazzaroni, R. Radical Defects Modulate the Photocatalytic Response in 2D-Graphitic Carbon Nitride. Chemical Science 2022.

Publications of the Members

  • Sellamna, H., Pavan, A. M., Mellit, A., & Guerrero, J. M. (2020). An iterative adaptive virtual impedance loop for reactive power sharing in islanded meshed microgrids. In Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks (Vol. 24, p. 100395). Elsevier BV.
  • Chine, W., Mellit, A., Pavan, A. M., & Kalogirou, S. A. (2014). Fault detection method for grid-connected photovoltaic plants. In Renewable Energy (Vol. 66, pp. 99–110). Elsevier BV.
  • Scorrano, M., Danielis, R., & Giansoldati, M. (2021). Electric light commercial vehicles for a cleaner urban goods distribution. Are they cost competitive? In Research in Transportation Economics (Vol. 85, p. 101022). Elsevier BV.
  • Scorrano, M., Danielis, R., & Giansoldati, M. (2020). Dissecting the total cost of ownership of fully electric cars in Italy: The impact of annual distance travelled, home charging and urban driving. In Research in Transportation Economics (Vol. 80, p. 100799). Elsevier BV.
  • Rotaris, L., Giansoldati, M., & Scorrano, M. (2021). The slow uptake of electric cars in Italy and Slovenia. Evidence from a stated-preference survey and the role of knowledge and environmental awareness. In Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (Vol. 144, pp. 1–18). Elsevier BV.
  • Rotaris, L., Giansoldati, M., & Scorrano, M. (2020). Are air travellers willing to pay for reducing or offsetting carbon emissions? Evidence from Italy. In Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (Vol. 142, pp. 71–84). Elsevier BV.
  • Carzedda, M., Gallenti, G., Troiano, S., Cosmina, M., Marangon, F., de Luca, P., Pegan, G., & Nassivera, F. (2021). Consumer Preferences for Origin and Organic Attributes of Extra Virgin Olive Oil: A Choice Experiment in the Italian Market. In Foods (Vol. 10, Issue 5, p. 994). MDPI AG.
  • Gallenti, G., Troiano, S., Marangon, F., Bogoni, P., Campisi, B., & Cosmina, M. (2019). Environmentally sustainable versus aesthetic values motivating millennials’ preferences for wine purchasing: evidence from an experimental analysis in Italy. In Agricultural and Food Economics (Vol. 7, Issue 1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • Bezzi, A., Pillon, S., Popesso, C., Casagrande, G., Da Lio, C., Martinucci, D., Tosi, L., & Fontolan, G. (2021). From rapid coastal collapse to slow sedimentary recovery: The morphological ups and downs of the modern Po Delta. In Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (Vol. 260, p. 107499). Elsevier BV.
  • "Zonta, R., Fontolan, G., Cassin, D., & Dominik, J. (2021). X-ray Computed Tomography as a Tool for Screening Sediment Cores: An Application to the Lagoons of the Po River Delta (Italy). In Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (Vol. 9, Issue 3, p. 323). MDPI AG.
  • "
  • Petti, M., Pascolo, S., Bosa, S., Bezzi, A., & Fontolan, G. (2019). Tidal Flats Morphodynamics: A new Conceptual Model to Predict Their Evolution over a Medium-Long Period. In Water (Vol. 11, Issue 6, p. 1176). MDPI AG.
  • Bonaldo, D., Antonioli, F., Archetti, R., Bezzi, A., Correggiari, A., Davolio, S., De Falco, G., Fantini, M., Fontolan, G., Furlani, S., Gaeta, M. G., Leoni, G., Lo Presti, V., Mastronuzzi, G., Pillon, S., Ricchi, A., Stocchi, P., Samaras, A. G., Scicchitano, G., & Carniel, S. (2018). Integrating multidisciplinary instruments for assessing coastal vulnerability to erosion and sea level rise: lessons and challenges from the Adriatic Sea, Italy. In Journal of Coastal Conservation (Vol. 23, Issue 1, pp. 19–37). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • Paladini de Mendoza, F., Fontolan, G., Mancini, E., Scanu, E., Scanu, S., Bonamano, S., & Marcelli, M. (2018). Sediment dynamics and resuspension processes in a shallow-water Posidonia oceanica meadow. In Marine Geology (Vol. 404, pp. 174–186). Elsevier BV.
  • Barago, N., Covelli, S., Mauri, M., Oberti di Valnera, S., & Forte, E. (2021). Prediction of Trace Metal Distribution in a Tailings Impoundment Using an Integrated Geophysical and Geochemical Approach (Raibl Mine, Pb-Zn Alpine District, Northern Italy). In International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (Vol. 18, Issue 3, p. 1157). MDPI AG.
  • Covelli, S., Petranich, E., Pavoni, E., & Signore, S. (2021). Can Sediments Contaminated by Mining be a Source of Mercury in the Coastal Environment Due to Dredging? Evidence from Thermo-Desorption and Chemical Speciation. In Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Vol. 106, Issue 6, pp. 942–948). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • Migliaccio, F., Reguzzoni, M., Batsukh, K., Tino, G. M., Rosi, G., Sorrentino, F., Braitenberg, C., Pivetta, T., Barbolla, D. F., & Zoffoli, S. (2019). MOCASS: A Satellite Mission Concept Using Cold Atom Interferometry for Measuring the Earth Gravity Field. In Surveys in Geophysics (Vol. 40, Issue 5, pp. 1029–1053). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • Pivetta, T., Braitenberg, C., & Barbolla, D. F. (2021). Geophysical Challenges for Future Satellite Gravity Missions: Assessing the Impact of MOCASS Mission. In Pure and Applied Geophysics (Vol. 178, Issue 6, pp. 2223–2240). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • Pail, R., Bamber, J., Biancale, R., Bingham, R., Braitenberg, C., Eicker, A., Flechtner, F., Gruber, T., Güntner, A., Heinzel, G., Horwath, M., Longuevergne, L., Müller, J., Panet, I., Savenije, H., Seneviratne, S., Sneeuw, N., van Dam, T., & Wouters, B. (2019). Mass variation observing system by high low inter-satellite links (MOBILE) – a new concept for sustained observation of mass transport from space. In Journal of Geodetic Science (Vol. 9, Issue 1, pp. 48–58). Walter de Gruyter GmbH.
  • Pivetta, T., Braitenberg, C., Gabrovšek, F., Gabriel, G., & Meurers, B. (2021). Gravity as a tool to improve the hydrologic mass budget in karstic areas. Copernicus GmbH.
  • Braitenberg, C., Pivetta, T., Barbolla, D. F., Gabrovšek, F., Devoti, R., & Nagy, I. (2019). Terrain uplift due to natural hydrologic overpressure in karstic conduits. In Scientific Reports (Vol. 9, Issue 1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • Rossi, G., Pastorutti, A., Nagy, I., Braitenberg, C., & Parolai, S. (2021). Recurrence of Fault Valve Behavior in a Continental Collision Area: Evidence From Tilt/Strain Measurements in Northern Adria. In Frontiers in Earth Science (Vol. 9). Frontiers Media SA.
  • Chen, W., Braitenberg, C., & Serpelloni, E. (2018). Interference of tectonic signals in subsurface hydrologic monitoring through gravity and GPS due to mountain building. In Global and Planetary Change (Vol. 167, pp. 148–159). Elsevier BV.
  • Grillo, B., Braitenberg, C., Nagy, I., Devoti, R., Zuliani, D., & Fabris, P. (2018). Cansiglio Karst Plateau: 10 Years of Geodetic–Hydrological Observations in Seismically Active Northeast Italy. In Pure and Applied Geophysics (Vol. 175, Issue 5, pp. 1765–1781). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • "Motta, J. G., SOUZA FILHO, C. R. de, Carranza, E. J. M., & Braitenberg, C. (2019). Archean crust and metallogenic zones in the Amazonian Craton sensed by satellite gravity data. In Scientific Reports (Vol. 9, Issue 1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • "
  • Hühn, S., Silva, A., Ferreira, F., & Braitenberg, C. (2020). Mapping New IOCG Mineral Systems in Brazil: The Vale do Curaçá and Riacho do Pontal Copper Districts. In Minerals (Vol. 10, Issue 12, p. 1074). MDPI AG.
  • Ertuncay, D., De Lorenzo, A., & Costa, G. (2021). Identification of Near-Fault Impulsive Signals and Their Initiation and Termination Positions with Convolutional Neural Networks. In Geosciences (Vol. 11, Issue 9, p. 388). MDPI AG.
  • Ertuncay, D., Malisan, P., Costa, G., & Grimaz, S. (2021). Impulsive Signals Produced by Earthquakes in Italy and Their Potential Relation with Site Effects and Structural Damage. In Geosciences (Vol. 11, Issue 6, p. 261). MDPI AG.
  • Cataldi, L., Tiberi, L., & Costa, G. (2021). Estimation of MCS intensity for Italy from high quality accelerometric data, using GMICEs and Gaussian Naïve Bayes Classifiers. In Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering (Vol. 19, Issue 6, pp. 2325–2342). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • Ertuncay, D., & Costa, G. (2021). Determination of near-fault impulsive signals with multivariate naïve Bayes method. In Natural Hazards (Vol. 108, Issue 2, pp. 1763–1780). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • Vesselli, E. (2021). Stabilization and activation of molecular oxygen at biomimetic tetrapyrroles on surfaces: from UHV to near-ambient pressure. In Nanoscale Advances (Vol. 3, Issue 5, pp. 1319–1330). Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).
  • Vesselli, E. (2020). Tetrapyrroles at near-ambient pressure: porphyrins and phthalocyanines beyond the pressure gap. In Journal of Physics: Materials (Vol. 3, Issue 2, p. 022002). IOP Publishing.
  • Corva, M., Ferrari, A., Rinaldi, M., Feng, Z., Roiaz, M., Rameshan, C., Rupprechter, G., Costantini, R., Dell’Angela, M., Pastore, G., Comelli, G., Seriani, N., & Vesselli, E. (2018). Vibrational fingerprint of localized excitons in a two-dimensional metal-organic crystal. In Nature Communications (Vol. 9, Issue 1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • Armillotta, F., Pividori, A., Stredansky, M., Seriani, N., & Vesselli, E. (2020). Dioxygen at Biomimetic Single Metal-Atom Sites: Stabilization or Activation? The Case of CoTPyP/Au(111). In Topics in Catalysis (Vol. 63, Issues 15–18, pp. 1585–1595). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • Rossi, F., Bevilacqua, M., Busson, B., Corva, M., Tadjeddine, A., Vizza, F., Vesselli, E., & Bozzini, B. (2019). An in situ IR-Vis Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy study of cyanide adsorption during zinc electrodeposition. In Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (Vol. 855, p. 113641). Elsevier BV.
  • Bozzini, B., Previdi, A., Amati, M., Bevilacqua, M., Cordaro, G., Corva, M., Donazzi, A., Dotelli, G., Gregoratti, L., Pelosato, R., Vorokhta, M., & Vesselli, E. (2019). In situ near-ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy discloses the surface composition of operating NdBaCo2O5+δ solid oxide fuel cell cathodes. In Journal of Power Sources (Vol. 436, p. 226815). Elsevier BV.
  • Corva, M., Mohamed, F., Tomsic, E., Rinaldi, M., Cepek, C., Seriani, N., Peressi, M., & Vesselli, E. (2019). Learning from Nature: Charge Transfer and Carbon Dioxide Activation at Single, Biomimetic Fe Sites in Tetrapyrroles on Graphene. In The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Vol. 123, Issue 6, pp. 3916–3922). American Chemical Society (ACS).
  • "Corva, M., Mohamed, F., Tomsic, E., Feng, Z., Skala, T., Comelli, G., Seriani, N., Peressi, M., & Vesselli, E. (2018). Substrate- to Laterally-Driven Self-Assembly Steered by Cu Nanoclusters: The Case of FePcs on an Ultrathin Alumina Film. In ACS Nano (Vol. 12, Issue 11, pp. 10755–10763). American Chemical Society (ACS).
  • Stockmar, M., Hubert, M., Dierolf, M., Enders, B., Clare, R., Allner, S., Fehringer, A., Zanette, I., Villanova, J., Laurencin, J., Cloetens, P., Pfeiffer, F., & Thibault, P. (2015). X-ray nanotomography using near-field ptychography. In Optics Express (Vol. 23, Issue 10, p. 12720). The Optical Society.
  • "Patera, L. L., Bianchini, F., Africh, C., Dri, C., Soldano, G., Mariscal, M. M., Peressi, M., & Comelli, G. (2018). Real-time imaging of adatom-promoted graphene growth on nickel. In Science (Vol. 359, Issue 6381, pp. 1243–1246). American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
  • "Fiori, S., Perilli, D., Panighel, M., Cepek, C., Ugolotti, A., Sala, A., Liu, H., Comelli, G., Di Valentin, C., & Africh, C. (2021). “Inside out” growth method for high-quality nitrogen-doped graphene. In Carbon (Vol. 171, pp. 704–710). Elsevier BV.
  • "Lafferentz, L., Eberhardt, V., Dri, C., Africh, C., Comelli, G., Esch, F., Hecht, S., & Grill, L. (2012). Controlling on-surface polymerization by hierarchical and substrate-directed growth. In Nature Chemistry (Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp. 215–220). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • Zamborlini, G., Lüftner, D., Feng, Z., Kollmann, B., Puschnig, P., Dri, C., Panighel, M., Di Santo, G., Goldoni, A., Comelli, G., Jugovac, M., Feyer, V., & Schneider, C. M. (2017). Multi-orbital charge transfer at highly oriented organic/metal interfaces. In Nature Communications (Vol. 8, Issue 1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
  • Costantini, R., Ustunel, H., Feng, Z., Stredansky, M., Toffoli, D., Fronzoni, G., Dri, C., Comelli, G., Cvetko, D., Kladnik, G., Bavdek, G., Floreano, L., Morgante, A., & Cossaro, A. (2020). Methylamine terminated molecules on Ni(1 1 1): A path to low temperature synthesis of nitrogen-doped graphene. In FlatChem (Vol. 24, p. 100205). Elsevier BV.
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