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The Ciamician Center aims at responding to the needs described above. Its purpose can be described through four main pillars:

  • Cutting-edge research on energy, transport and environment, through a coordination between the vast research background already active at UniTrieste, and through the strategic collaboration with universities, research centers, companies, public bodies.
  • Technology transfer. The Ciamician Center aims to establish structured relationships with industries, in order to support the process of technological development in the energy, transport and environment sectors, by leveraging the research activities present in the Center’s network.
  • Culture of energy and the environment. The Center aims at developing and disseminating culture and awareness on energy, transport and environmental issues, in particular through academic training - with particular attention to the doctoral level - as well as through schools, seminars, conferences, etc., in order to communicate effectively with institutions, industry and citizens.
  • Support to decision-making processes. The Center represents an authoritative and impartial reference on energy, mobility, and environmental issues, for both the public and private stakeholders of the territory - a sort of "one-stop shop" for analysis, consultancy, identification of potential solutions, scenario studies, etc.

The Center has managed a number of projects in the field of energy, mobility and environment over the past 3 years, with a total budget of over 2 M€. It has also organized a number of dissemination initiatives such as conferences and lectures, one school on sustainable mobility, one school on the social aspects of energy issues, and the annual summer school on energy “Giacomo Ciamician”.