Italian PhD Course on "Photovoltaics"
Dottorato Nazionale in “Photovoltaics”
Where: University of Trieste
Trieste, Italy
Application deadline: 29 August 2023, 15:00 (Italian time)
Curriculum: B - “Module and system design and integration”
Project title: Agrovoltaic systems: an analysis on the environmental, economic and energy impact
Short description: the project aims at analyzing the agrovoltaic systems from the environmental and economic point of view, and that of the energy balance.
The PhD candidate will study different types of photovoltaic (PV) generators in order to optimize both the environmental and the economic performance of the system. The optimization will consider the technical needs in terms of yield of the PV generator, and the plant needs in terms of its growth and water consumption.
- Choose the best PV technology for the given application
- Evaluate the economic performance and the LCA of the chosen system
- Identify the best crops to grow under the PV system
- Evaluate the impact of the PV system on the crops
Industrial partner involved: Fototherm (
Call for application: (IT) - (EN)
More details:
Contact: Prof. Alessandro Massi Pavan
Thesis tutor: Prof. Alessandro Massi Pavan
Thesis co-tutors: Prof. Andrea Nardini and Dr. Andrea Mio