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Industrial PhD Course on “Circular Economy”
Dottorato Industriale in “Circular Economy”

Where: University of Trieste
Trieste, Italy

Application deadline: 21 August 2023, 13:00 CEST

Short description: 
The PhD course in Circular Economy UniTS (CE.TS) is three-year doctorate, entirely organized in English. It aims to create experts who contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge in various sectors and disciplinary areas through the correct use of methodologies and methods of economic and social research. The sectors and disciplinary areas are joint by a common denominator: the Circular Economy paradigm. 

The project aims to estimate and survey the energy consumed by companies in the “COSELAG Consortium” (the Consortium for Local Economic Development of the Julian Area: The project includes an analysis of the existing power generation plants in the area, as well as a detailed description of the production facilities and work shifts carried out by the companies. This will provide a comprehensive overview of the resource consumption and production processes of the companies according to the classification of economic activity, also analyzing the transport flows within the area. In addition, the decarbonisation strategies implemented by the different companies will be examined, including the use of renewable energy sources, the implementation of more energy-efficient technologies and the adoption of more sustainable working practices.
The main objective of the project is to obtain environmental sustainability assessments and provide companies with information and support to improve energy efficiency and decarbonisation solutions. This will include suggestions for adopting more efficient technologies, reducing energy consumption by modifying production processes or using renewable energy sources. In addition, the project could provide information on policies and incentive programmes available to companies interested in becoming more environmentally sustainable. The project also includes a cost-benefit analysis of actions that companies could take to improve their impact on the environment.
The data analysis will help to assess the impact of environmental policies on greenhouse gas emissions, such as incentives for renewable energy sources or carbon taxes.
In the project, new approaches will be created to increase the energy efficiency of companies such as the introduction of state-of-the-art technologies, the promotion of sustainable working practices and collaboration between companies to share resources and energy. In particular, the possibilities of adopting renewable energy communities and applying the concept of industrial symbiosis will be explored.
The project's data collection and analysis will identify new challenges and opportunities in environmental sustainability, focusing on the industrial sector. COSELAG will provide data and results of research projects, including those of the project "Trieste Net Zero Industrial Zone," developed with the collaboration of the Giacomo Ciamician Interdepartmental Centre of our University.

Industrial partner involved: Coselag (
In partnership with: University of Rijeka; Faculty of Economics e Carinthia University of Applied Sciences

Call for application:
Attachment 5:
More details: (IT), (EN)

Contact: Prof. Alessandro Massi Pavan Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

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